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Sir Francis Galton |
Born Feb. 16, 1822,died Jan. 17, 1911. English explorer,
anthropologist, and eugenicist. He was knighted in 1909.
In 1883 a British biologist Francis Galton combined the roots of the Greek words for "good" and "origin" to create the term "eugenics" for an applied science based on genetics and breeding.
The "science" of eugenics proposed that human perfection could be developed through selective breeding.
In the late nineteenth century researchers developed the idea, a blend of genetic research and social theory.
Eugenics soon crossed the Atlantic and by the 1920s and 1930s was adopted by mainstream scientists, doctors and the general public.
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Margaret SangerPBS.org Eugenics and Birth ControlAt a time when birth control was still not publicly accepted in American society, some eugenicists believed birth control was a useful tool for curbing procreation among the "weak." In the 1920s and 30s, Sanger calculated that the success of the eugenics idea gave her own movement legitimacy, and tried to ally her cause with the movement. Eugenics was a dominant theme at her birth control conferences, and Sanger spoke publicly of the need to put an end to breeding by "the unfit". In 1920 Sanger publicly stated that "birth control is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit [and] of preventing the birth of defectives. MARGARETE SANGER (notice his personal indorsment for ciggeretts) So Who Is Viewed as Unfit?
Eugenicists separated the "fit" and "unfit" classes along racist and nativist lines. Under this eugenics model, those considered
most worthy of rearing children were couples who were middle class or upper class Nordic-Teutonic whites.
Racial minorities and ethnic immigrant groups were typically classified as unfit.
Although eugenicists did not promote contraceptive use, fearing that the "unfit" would not use the methods properly, sterilization was often promoted as the best option to limit their numbers.
Could Medical Studies & Forced Vaccination be the next attempt in this Direction through the guise of Immunization and Un-ethical Research?
Vaccine Ingredients: Formaldehyde, Mercury, Antifreeze, Aluminum,
2-Phenoxyethanol, Phenol, Methanol, Borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate), Glutaraldehyde, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Sulfate and Phosphate Compounds, Ammonium Sulfate, Gentamicin Sulfate, Neomycin Sulfate, Tri(n)butylphosphate, Polymyxin B, Polysorbate 20 / 80 Emulsifier,Sorbitol (Sweetener),
Polyribosylribitol, Beta-Propiolactone, Amphotericin B, Animal Organ Tissue
and Animal Blood, Large Foreign Proteins, Latex, Animal Viruses, Human Viruses,
Mycoplasma, Genetically Engineered Yeast, Foreign DNA
The Liberty Counsel reported:
Published on Jul 14,2015A pro-life advocacy group has released a hidden camera video that they purport shows a high-ranking Planned Parenthood executive frankly discussing the sale of aborted fetus parts.The Center for Medical Progress, a branch of the conservative Manhattan Institute, launched a three-year investigation of the practice by hiring actors to pretend to be buyers from a human biologics company.The new video supposedly features undercover actors have a conversation with Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola at a restaurant about the possibly of obtaining aborted fetus organs.The selling the body parts of aborted fetuses is a felony, punishable with up ten years in prison. Pro-life activists have long accused abortion clinics of engaging in the practice, while the clinics claim they only allow donations of the tissue… and then charge companies for transportation fees.#PPSellsBabyParts “INTACT FETAL CADAVERS” AT 20-WEEKS “JUST A MATTER OF LINE ITEMS” AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD TX MEGA-CENTER: ABORTION DOCS CAN “MAKE IT HAPPEN” Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Published on Aug 25, 2015
Contact: Matille Thebolt, mthebolt@crcpublicrelations.com, 571.501.4067 LOS ANGELES, Aug. 25–The eighth video in the ongoing controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal body parts shows the CEO of StemExpress, LLC, a major buyer of fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood, admitting the company gets “a lot” of intact fetuses, suggesting “another 50 livers a week” would not be enough, and agreeing abortion clinics should profit from the sale: WHOOPING COUGH OUTBREAK at CALIFORNIA SCHOOL AMOUNG VACCINATED SHOWS VACCINE FAILURE |